The Archive

This is where I hide the ancient stuff, from back when I was still learning. Most of it is probably embarrassing or broken by now.

My first published website - SharkSearch, which I built as a Google frontend with the help of a friend who knew what he was doing in Illistrator.

Open SharkSearch

We Will Rock You - A school project from way back in Year 7. Sedimentary, Metamorphic and Igneous. (Is it bad I had to look that up?)

Open We Will Rock You

Another school project, my Astronomy Webapp, also from Year 7, which I originally hosted from my laptop on the school's local network, only accessible with the local IP. I always wondered why my battery life was so poor.

Open Astronomy Webapp

Learning from the Astronomy 'webapp', my next school project (Year 8) was similarly designed. This one was also my first 'game' - one html page loading after the other as the user decided where the story would go!

Open Greece Webapp

After that, I ventured out and built my first native app, which was a toolbar to launch commonly used applications. This is not that toolbar, because I've got no idea what happened to it, but it is the program I built in class to get out of doing maths a few days after perfecting the toolbar.

Download Temperature Converter

My first project that took a bit of work (and didn't end up completely accurate) was the Metric Clock. About halfway through year 8 I found out about French Metric Time, and decided that made way more sense than what I was using. I then annoyed all my friends by telling them what the time was according to this program, rather than the standard time they wanted to hear.

Download Metric Clock

Terry was a game that the creators of SharkSearch invented about two years after their previous project. Another primarily text based game, however it was never finished.

Download Terry

Before I worked out Git, I had a shot at SourceForge. The Simple Mac FTP Server Was my first - and only - project uploaded to that site.

View on SourceForge