My Apps

Things I've done semi-recently that weren't bad enough to belong in the archive. Mostly completed programs that I am no longer actively working on.

Rick Rolled

Long story short, my favourite project of 2018 was something that was thrown together in less than an hour, but caused havoc accross the school. The Computing class had the idea of a mass "Rick Roll", so I built a tiny application to run in the background of the unsuspecting user's computer which would up the volume and blast "Never Gonna Give You Up" while changing their wallpaper to a screencap of the music video. The application was stored on a public share and a link was emailed to far too many people. Almost without fail, if someone was "Rick Rolled", they emailed the link to their friends in the hope that they hadn't already recieved it from someone else. Unfortunately, the program had to be shut down after a few days because it was too disruptive, however it was a good lesson for everybody involved to not open links from unknown locations - what if the whole time Rick was singing, your passwords were being sent somewhere, or your files locked for ransom? Thankfully, this program was harmless, but it was a great demonstration of the vulnerabilities in modern networks.

Startpage isn't mine, really. It was originally developed by @FriendsNone, however I kind of adopted it and made a few minor changes. I've also been using it as my homepage since I forked it.

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Timer is exactly what it sounds like - a timer, which I originally spent time on so that I could track how much time I spent on other things!

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NumberGuess is a simple Vb.Net app that I completed for Computing 1 / 2, about the same time as I was Rick Rolling people.

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Single File Html was something I developed as part of an email project. It is designed to embed images into HTML files at the click of a button so that only one large file has to be transferred, which makes sending HTML email through APIs like MailGun very easy.

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Doofitator-Power was my first project published to GitHub, and was a python program designed to solve an issue I had encountered where the power indicator on Ubuntu 16 and 17 did not show the correct battery percentage. I haven't used Ubuntu since late 2017 when this project was last updated, so I don't know if it is still an issue.

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Doofitator-date was the second project I put on GitHub, and was again part of a larger script that I was employed to build. This was another python script that just allowed for simple date calculations such as working out how many days until a particular date, how many days in a given month, and even simple timezone calculations.

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