Alright. I won't stop you. Just be careful.

Just before you start - I found this Spartan javelin on the side of the road just before. It might help.

Wow! That javelin helped, didn't it?
Sure, you didn't know the first thing about using a war javelin, but still - it came in handy!
Just a hint - javelins aren't used like quarterstaffs...

Okay, now...We have a knocked out, very strong king in front of us. How do we get him to Mount Orthys? This might proove tricky.
If only we weren't saving Heracles. We could have used him to carry this moron.

Hey, how about we borrow an Athenean ship to take us around as far as it can by sea, then work out what we do from there?

Use the ship | Carry him overland